Expression of Interest – SC21 C+G Provision of Training, Coaching & Mentoring services
You are invited to notify ADS Group Limited, who are overseeing the provider’s selection process, of interest to support the delivery of 1 or more of the 122 improvement modules in one or more of these high value manufacturing sectors.
Timescales – Closing date 4th April 2018
Due to the large number of improvement modules (122), the selection and approval of providers may be phased, although your expression of interest for any of modules is invited at this time. It is planned to approve the initial phase of 44 Improvement Modules by July 2018, and complete the activity by December 2018.
The initial closing date for this expression of interest phase will be 4th April 2018 after which the selection process will consist of a due diligence review to ensure potential providers are robust businesses. Once this is completed, a face-to-face review of materials, processes and methods to be employed with the beneficiary, and their suitability and experience for each sector will be undertaken to ensure the most suitable providers are available for the participants to ensure the benefits planned are achieved.
The SC21 Competitiveness + Growth programme has been jointly developed by the ADS Group and SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) and is the Aerospace and Defence sector’s deployment mechanism of the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Level (NMCL) programme.
The aim of the SC21 Competitiveness + Growth (SC21 C+G) programme is to have a single, national, quality assured, best practice approach to improving the competitiveness of manufacturing supply chain companies, this will raise workforce capability and boost economic growth and exports. Thus helping to deliver HM Government’s Industrial Strategy and the goals of each sector’s Growth Strategies. The automotive sector programme was announced in the 2018 Automotive Sector Deal.
Assessment process
The process that participants follow covers a standardised Capability Assessment undertaken by accredited assessors, a self-review of Competitiveness against peers, and a Competitiveness review against peers by 3 nominated customers. The output of these is combined to develop an improvement plan and a credible financial business case with the beneficiary. The business case will point to improvements that can be made by embedding key skills into the organisation through training, coaching and mentoring.
To ensure a common approach is used across the sectors, a syllabus of 122 distinct Improvement Modules has been developed which cover 4 key areas of a business, Competitive Strategy & Management Systems, New Product Introduction, Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain.
Initial Pilots have been conducted and the first tranche of participants on the programme are undergoing their Capability Assessments. Within the Aerospace and Defence Sector It is envisaged that 200 participating companies will engage with the programme over a 4 year period, with a further 90 in the Automotive. This opportunity will cover both Sectors.
Register your interest
To register your interest, please send an email with the Subject “SC21 C+G Improvement Modules – Expression of Interest” to:
Please note: By sending this e-mail and expressing your interest you understand and accept that the rights to the subsequent information and documents are reserved.
The use of this material for other purposes other than the development of SC21 Competitiveness + Growth and/or NMCL is strictly forbidden.
No part of this or subsequent publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. As such a non-disclosure agreement will be required prior to release of detailed Module content and structure.”